International Money Transfer
The Company Paul Merchants Ltd is one of the prominent players in the field of International Inward Money Transfer services as per the regulations issued by Reserve Bank of India, offering world-class services of Western Union, RIA Money Transfer and TransFast Money Transfer.

About western union money transfer
We are a global leader in cross-border, cross-currency money movement. From small businesses and global corporations to families near and far away to NGO’s in the most remote communities on Earth, Western Union helps people and businesses move money – to help grow economies and realize a better world. In 2017, we completed more than 800 million transactions for our consumer and business clients. We continue to innovate, developing new ways to send money.

About ria money transfer
We bring people together Daily. It all Started in NYC, 1987. Our journey began with one small store in New York City and one goal to help people send money to their loved ones back home. Today we’re a global company. Flags With a worldwide agent network of 350,000 locations in 149 countries and growing. we shorten the distance between families and their loved ones through our world-class money transfer service.

About Transfast money transfer
A person in India can receive money in just minutes after his sender has sent money from abroad. Each transaction is electronically remitted through Western Union central server, RIA, and TransFast server and generated through a software which is absolutely safe and easy to use. Robust security features are inbuilt. The documentation and payment process designed in a way to ensure that the payment is made only to the actual receiver. Paul Merchants branches & locations are present in every nook and corner of the country to serve the customer with utmost care, convenience and safety

A person in India can receive money in just minutes after his sender has sent money from abroad. Each transaction is electronically remitted through Western Union central server RIA and generated through a software which is absolutely safe and easy to use. Robust security features are inbuilt. The documentation and payment process designed in a way to ensure that the payment is made only to the actual receiver. Paul Merchants branches & locations are present in every nook and corner of the country to serve the customer with utmost care, convenience and safety

For receiving money in India a customer has to fill up a very simple form which is called ‘To Receive Money’ (TRM) Form. This form has basic information related to the transaction like MTCN no., the name of the receiver, the name of the sender, amount, purpose of the transaction, sending country etc. which any person having elementary education can also fill up. Our Front Office Executives are trained & always keen to assist the customer to fill up the TRM. Further, to receive money, a person does not need to open a bank account if his transaction is less than Rs. 50,000/-. Payment in such cases is made in cash. The Receiver is required to be physically present at the location with an original photo identification and address proof for any transaction and will be paid immediately.