Rajneesh Bansal
Managing Director
Paul Merchants Limited
MD’s Message
“A trifle neglect may breed great mischief – for want of a nail, the shoe was lost, for want of a shoe the horse was lost, for want of a horse the rider was lost and for want of a rider the battle was lost.” This ironically summarizes the need and importance of good Corporate Governance as we cannot afford to let even a little neglect happen. My idea of Corporate Governance rides upon key principles; independence & objectivity in the decision-making process, transparency & disclosures, fairness & integrity, Compliance & accountability, Customer Supremacy, and social responsibility.
I strongly believe that a responsible business house must have a self-regulating mechanism whereby it monitors and ensures its continued support to law, ethical standards, environment protection and social welfare. Whatever we do as a business house, our activities surely leave an impact on all quarters of the Society and it becomes our sacred duty to embrace responsibility for that impact. We earn from the society and we will be failing in our duty if we don’t return our gratitude to the society.”
As a head of the Organization, I am always of this opinion that ethics and business go together. By going a yard beyond the usually accepted prudence norms, we can take a number of steps which can make the society a better living place. The history of this country is replete with instances of big business houses coming forward to assist the society in testing times. The trade & commerce going all out to surpass its commercial targets and yet keeping a Humane face, ironically differentiates our country from rest of the world.
At PML, we are always up on our heels to do our bit to combat poverty, hunger, unemployment, illiteracy, disease and environmental degradation.
The Management of PML has always focused on integrating these principles into business processes. In this pursuit, we have reached out to even the remotest parts of the country where the presence of a business house not only helps people with its commercial services but lends a lifeline to the society as a whole.
I look at the future and find PML steadfast on its vision to create value for all its stakeholders and to do its best in building a better society.