Why Technology is important today? | Paul Merchants

Why Technology is important today?

Have you ever noticed that with time, the world around us is changing rapidly? Just look around and you’ll see that each and everything is working on the technology. No matter, we are at home or at work, literally, at every instant of time technology surrounds us.

Technology has boosted the way we do our tasks. There are several reasons that explain why technology is important :

  • Communication has sped up.
  • Things which once took hours to complete are now completed in just seconds.
  • Life is becoming fast and the world is getting smaller.

All thanks to – Technology!

Why is technology important for business?

Technology has fostered every industry. Businesses have grown, enhancing job opportunities. Daily innovations have strengthened the communication network.

It has changed the way businesses communicate today. Anyone can publicize their business online and can connect to millions of people across the globe. It has given us an opportunity to enhance our reach and increase our customer base, just by sitting in one place. We can reach masses within seconds and can track their activities, their choices, demands, and expectations from our product. On the basis of the customer likes and dislikes, we can provide them with a high-quality product. This helps a business to increase its revenue by knowing what the customer actually wants, and all this is possible if we are aware of how to use technology for achieving our business goals.

Technology Products used by Paul Merchants:

Paul Money

The app is designed for customers to make Domestic Money Transfer Indo Nepal Remittance

Travelyatra & PML Holidays

If you are planning a holiday then these two travel apps will facilitate you with all the latest features. From the booking of Flights to hotel reservation, the apps will save your time and money. Travel Yatra is a B2C app which can be used by end users  whereas PML Holidays is a B2B app for agents.


The app provides following services:

  • Bill Payments
  • Travel
  • Recharge
  • Gift Cards


Customers can easily buy and sell forex online.

EKYC for Gold Loan & DMT

No paperwork, customers can efficiently avail gold loan & DMT.


CIBIL & Pan Check for Gold Loan